
About the Site:

This is a home for freelancing, business-starting, telecommuting, independent-contracting, hard-working “indiepreneurs” who are tired of working from home (or never wanted to to begin with)! 

This blog came out of my passion for finding great working environments.  Whether it’s a boost in creativity or productivity, quiet time to focus or buzz to keep going, a cozy corner or a chic meeting place, I believe in the importance of finding the right habitat for the job.  

About your Habitat Hostess:

I’m Aviva.  My work lives include: TV production, event design, marketing, public relations, and innovation consulting.  Lately, as an unemployed (ahem, self-employed) freelancer and entrepreneur, I’ve been working out of wified cafes, parks and pools, and around tables with like-minded people  for awhile now. 

I’ve come to develop a passion for aligning my work style with the life I want to live. (Especially since we spend most of our waking hours at work.)  That’s why I work in the spaces and with the people that I do. 

My mission with Work Habitats is to empower others (you!) to find the places and communities that make your work life more inspired and enjoyable.